Dear Pork Act Delegate,
The National Pork Board Nominating committee is pleased to present the candidates listed in this booklet. These candidates have undergone an intensive screening and interview process by the Nominating committee. The Nominating committee has verified that all candidates meet the minimum requirements to serve on the National Pork Board. High-quality candidates ensure you will continue to have the opportunity to elect National Pork Board leadership that reflects the vision, talent, diversity and geographical balance offered by our industry.
Our nominating committee recognizes the responsibility to judiciously allocate Checkoff dollars to the industry-led priorities established. Thus, we value the variety of skill sets presented to you. We realize that some candidates may have specialties while others are broader in their perspectives. Our committee feels we need both to have a truly diverse board to serve the long-term commitments of building trust and adding value to U.S. pork production.
The Pork Act requires that no fewer than 12 states be represented on the National Pork Board. The Pork Order specifies that the USDA Secretary may satisfy the 12-state requirement by appointing nominees ranked by Pork Act Delegates. This year, there are five, three-year terms to fill and one, two-year term. The delegate body’s voting process ensures the 12-State Rule can be satisfied with your final slate of candidates to the Secretary of Agriculture.
Regardless of the Nominating committee work, you — the Pork Act Delegate Body — have an obligation under the Pork Act to evaluate each candidate. We trust that this detailed assessment will help you decide who to support. The Pork Act Delegate Body will present a ranked list of qualified pork producers to the Secretary of Agriculture, ranked in order of who you believe would do the best job in carrying out the mission of the Pork Checkoff.
While the Secretary can appoint any six of the 10 candidates submitted (while satisfying the 12-state rule), we respectfully ask the Secretary to acknowledge the wishes of delegates and appoint the top five ranked nominees to the National Pork Board for three-year terms, and the sixth ranked nominee to fulfill a two-year term. We are comfortable with the entire list of candidates presented, as it includes 10 high-quality pork producers and importer representatives, all of whom can serve our industry well.
Thank you to everyone who submitted applications for the National Pork Board and the National Pork Board Nominating committee. You provide the leadership to keep this organization focused on its mission of service to all U.S. pork producers into the future.
NPB 2024-2025 Nominating Committee
Bob Ruth, Pennsylvania, Chair
Dustin Boler, Illinois
Steve Brier, Missouri
Joel DeRouchey, Kansas