Pork Act Delegate Checklist – Pork Industry Forum

Pork Act Delegate Checklist

Refer to this checklist in the weeks leading up to National Pork Industry Forum to ensure you are prepared to make important decisions for the pork industry.

Plan Your Trip

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Receive Your Hotel Confirmation

Rosen Centre Hotel will send hotel check-in and check-out dates and confirmation numbers directly to Forum attendees’ emails starting February 27. These individualized emails may take a few days to send.

There will be a price on the confirmation PDF, but NPB will pay for hotel rooms for all Pork Act Delegates, board members, state executives and contacts, speakers and invited guests for the dates selected on the confirmation. 

If you do not receive this email by the end of the day on Thursday, March 6, contact Stephanie Gunn via email (sgunn@pork.org) or phone (515-223-2609). Plan to check your Spam folder before contacting Stephanie.

Plan Your Transportation

Book a flight using NPB’s travel agency, International Travel Associates (ITA), at 1-800-732-9402 and state you are traveling for Forum on behalf of National Pork Board.

If you are flying to Orlando, plan to use ride-share services (Uber or Lyft), as there is no shuttle from the airport to the hotel.

If you plan to drive to the hotel, please be prepared for a reimbursable parking rate of $14 per day plus taxes and review NPB’s travel policy for reimbursement.

Download the Pork Events App

All delegates must use the mobile application “Pork Events” during the Pork Act Delegate Session to rank the candidates and vote on forthcoming decisions. There will be a limited number of devices at the Forum registration desk available to those who do not own a smartphone.

Download the Forum event app in your Apple Store or Google Play before you arrive in Orlando.

Watch this video for support.

Review the Agenda

Review the National Pork Industry Forum agenda.


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Review National Pork Board Candidate Information

Review the bios of the ten National Pork Board candidates and read the comments directly from NPB’s four-member nominating committee. Delegates will vote on an official ranking of the candidates to be submitted to the Secretary of Agriculture.

Review the Letter from the Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee Chair Bob Ruth wrote this letter to help delegates rank National Pork Board candidates.


Finances, Policies and Joint Industry Priorities

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Plan How to be Reimbursed

NPB can reimburse expenses by direct deposit (preferred) or check payment: 

  • Check reimbursement: To ensure check delivery, please confirm your address and payment information is accurate in the NPB system by contacting Jenny Araquistain at forum@pork.org. Then, submit a non-employee expense report to forum@pork.org following the event.
  • Direct Deposit: To set up direct deposit, which will expedite your reimbursement, please click here to fill out the Direct Deposit Authorization Agreement Form and submit it to forum@pork.org before April 14.

If you have additional questions, email Jenny Araquistain at forum@pork.org or call (515) 223- 2635.


Review Travel Policy and Reference Expense Report

Click here to review the 2025 Travel Policy. 

Review the Pork Act Delegate Body Proposed Standing Rules and Procedures

Click here to review. 

Skim Through Financial Report

NPB Treasurer Alayne Johnson will review this content during the Pork Act Delegate Session on March 13.


Review the Descriptions of the Joint Industry Priorities

All delegates will complete a poll during delegate sessions. This is for 2026 planning.

Click here to review the descriptions of the joint priorities.



Because Checkoff dollars cannot be used to influence legislation or governmental action pursuant to the Pork Act and Order, NPB is prohibited from endorsing any of the proposed activities by NPPC that constitute such influence, and such endorsement should not be implied.

Resolution and Advisements

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Review the Draft Resolution(s) and Advisement(s)

Click here to review. 

More from the Pork Checkoff

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Subscribe to News

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  • Emails: Receive timely updates and market analysis in your inbox.
  • Quarterly Newsletters: Get printed newsletters delivered to your mailing address.

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Register for the 2025 Pork Management Conference

The Pork Management Conference is dedicated to delivering business insights, learning and networking for professionals in business, finance and human resources. Through practical content and discussions, it addresses emerging challenges and broadens leaders’ perspectives.

🗓️ Date: April 28-30
📍 Where: Dallas-Fort Worth

Register Today

Request a Pork Cares Farm Impact Report to Help Protect Your Freedom to Operate

The Pork Cares Farm Impact Report helps strengthen market demand for pork, foster valuable partnerships with the supply chain, and elevate pork’s reputation as planet-friendly.

This initiative helps showcase the hard work pork producers put into their farms and their readiness to do more with the right resources.

Click here to request your report. 

Fortify Your Farm: Start Your Secure Pork Supply Plan

The Secure Pork Supply (SPS) Plan helps pork producers and the industry get ready for a quick recovery and business continuity in case of a foreign animal disease outbreak.

If foot and mouth disease, classical swine fever, or African swine fever is found in U.S. livestock, swift regulatory actions will restrict animal movements to curb the spread of these very contagious animal diseases. Moving animals will require a movement permit.

The SPS Plan guides pork producers to prepare in advance and be ready to request a movement permit when that happens.

Start your SPS Plan today to prioritize peace of mind knowing you’re ready for anything.

Certify Your Sites: U.S. Swine Health Improvement Plan

Thanks to the pork producers who supported the design of this plan, the U.S. Swine Health Improvement Plan (U.S. SHIP) leverages existing programs to certify the health of the pork industry across the country.

In simple terms, U.S. SHIP sets up a country-wide set of rules and a certification process that all states recognize. This is important to keep trade moving in the U.S. and resume international trade in the event of a foreign animal disease outbreak.

The goal is to prevent the spread of disease, like African swine fever or classical swine fever, and prove that sites are free from disease.

Get your sites U.S. SHIP certified to help your business run smoothly even in the face of disease outbreaks.

Secure Pig Movement with AgView

AgView is a tool that enables swift and efficient responses to potential foreign animal disease outbreaks. It allows producers of all sizes and types to to securely share location and pig movement data with state animal health officials to rapidly contain disease threats and determine where the disease is or is not present.

AgView promotes business continuity for America’s pig farmers by uniquely making disease traceback and pig movement data available to the USDA and state animal health officials on day one of a foreign animal disease.

Create an AgView account.