National Pork Board Priorities for Pork Act Delegates – Pork Industry Forum

Endemic Disease

Example: porcine reproductive respiratory syndrome

Sustainability/We Care

Example: Pork producers can help demonstrate the pork industry’s commitment to sustainability by reporting the stewardship actions already in practice with a Checkoff-funded Pork Cares Farm Impact Report.

Real Pork Trust and Image

Positioning to develop credible communications and amplification of gaps to increase the
reputation of pork among key decision makers and consumers.

Human Nutrition

Examples: Research and Surprisingly Pork, which is the industry’s unique and authentic consumer platform, or story, recently created to help us translate relevant health and wellness research into compelling, fun and emotive language subverting people’s ingrained beliefs about pork.

Domestic Demand

Examples: Retail activations, consumer insights/patterns and multicultural activations

International Demand

Examples: US Meat Export Federation strategic partnerships and international market insights