John Rauser has been involved in farming all his life. He currently cares for 25 purebred Duroc females and sells market hogs, weaned pigs, seedstock and cooks whole hogs for events. He has been involved in the Montana Pork Producers Council for 30 years, including 10 years of presidency and an interim state executive director role.
Rauser has executive-level and management business and banking experience at Farm Credit Services (2 years), his local state bank (19 years), McDonalds Restaurants (7 ½ years) and Graymont Western US, Inc. mine. His avid longevity volunteer experience includes 4-H (24 years), his church (40 years including finance council chairman the past 7 years), his rural fire district board (23 years) and county fair board chairman (17 years).
Nominating Committee Comments
National Pork Board and Industry Knowledge
He has more than 10 years of experience being president of Montana Pork Producers Association and a deep understanding of the Hutterite colonies, as they are also involved in the board. He encourages experiences like Pork Leadership Institute and has prompted integrated succession planning for his position. He has a background in nationwide priorities like consumer trust, demand, imports and exports.
His depth of experience throughout his career has helped develop him as a leader. His manager experience at McDonald’s trained him to work with people of varying ages and personalities, while still focused on making money. His role at banking and financial institutions familiarizes him with balance sheets and specific ROI data points needed to prove judicious investment of Checkoff dollars. While his actions do speak louder than words, he shares We Care® Ethical Principles messaging with youth through local 4-H program presentations.
Leadership, Communication, Attitude and Passion
Rauser has unique opportunities and perspectives within the realm of producer priorities. It is commendable he has chosen to volunteer his time at the state level and is now running for a national position. After all, he is a small producer from a small state but thinks nationally. He is active on the State Visioning task force, which enhances industry unity by aligning states with proactive strategies addressing high-risk areas, better allocating industry resources and leading to more coordination amongst the states and national organizations.
His leadership style is to calmly find resolution between people by listening to others, sitting back and thinking before deciding.