Jessica “Jess” Stevens — Ohio – Pork Industry Forum

Jessica “Jess” Stevens — Ohio


Jessica “Jess” Stevens owns Carroll Creek Farms, LLC, with $1 million in gross revenue. The farm markets 300 pigs per year directly to consumers through affiliate stores, wholesale freezer meats, its on-farm store and the local farmers market. Additionally, Stevens raises 100 head of cattle, 200 sheep, 6,000 broilers, 200 turkeys and 400 layers.

Professionally, Stevens is the vice president of food and agribusiness for Farm Credit Mid-America, with a portfolio of capital markets for swine, packing, and venture capital ag deals of $900 million. She has served one term on the NPB Board and is the NPB representative for the Ohio Pork Council.

Nominating Committee Comments

Incumbent Jess Stevens truly manages through people. She can explain her position or instruction to empower others to take charge and make things happen. Her calm and analytical mindset has helped producers with operations of varying sizes navigate various challenges and financial opportunities. She appreciates a spectrum of production practices, from niche/outdoor in her business to commercial in her professional role. It is admirable that she built a multispecies farm and business from scratch, so she understands trials and tribulations.

Stevens’ objective for a second term is to mentor newer board members and extract their skills to add value. Additionally, she understands the value of small wins and is bought into the demand work, seeking to see the results during and after its launch.