2026 Joint Industry Priorities – Pork Industry Forum

2026 Joint Industry Priorities

For polling during the 2025 Pork Industry Forum

International Trade & International Marketing


Continue to expand export markets by gaining access to new markets by eliminating tariffs, non-tariff barriers (e.g., Sanitary and Phytosanitary issues, Import Permits, etc.), establishing sound international standards and keeping existing markets open.


Identify international markets with the most potential for U.S. Pork, then fund and coordinate in-country promotions to develop and/or expand demand for U.S. Pork.

Foreign Animal Disease (FAD) Prevention and Protection


Advocate for governmental measures and resources to prevent the introduction of a foreign animal disease. Also, advocate for policies, at the state and federal level, in the event of an outbreak to allow for consistency of response, including permitted movements in control areas and continuity of business outside of control areas.


Develop and distribute Checkoff-funded tools to help producers and state and animal health officials prevent and prepare for a foreign animal disease or return to business if an outbreak occurs (e.g., Secure Pork Supply plans and AgView).

Anticipate & Mitigate Market Disruptions


Proactively identify, prioritize and respond to market disruptions impacting the industry.


Develop, fund and coordinate coalitions to research, monitor, anticipate and strategically respond to issues and reputational risks that may lead to market disruptions impacting the industry.

Freedom to Operate


Protecting producers from burdensome regulations, state ballot initiatives, and proactive legal challenges; additionally, engaging in proactive, targeted campaigns.


On-farm tools and research-backed best practices for producers to measure, document and benchmark continuous improvement. Data-driven reports and Checkoff-funded research validate the industry’s We Care® Ethical Principles to scientifically challenge misinformation.

Workforce Development


Streamlining visa reform.


Programs that support career development and executive mentorship opportunities.

Business/Competition Pressures


Seek increased transparency in the marketplace and defend and protect producers against undue tax burdens.


Build a continuous pipeline of diverse leaders who leverage Checkoff-funded resources to communicate pork producer business needs.

Grassroots Engagement


Educate and activate producers through industry programs to build a continuous pipeline of diverse leaders to speak on behalf of the industry.


Partner with state associations to develop, fund and implement work that shows consumers pork is a product they can feel good about eating.

Because Checkoff dollars cannot be used to influence legislation or governmental action pursuant to the Pork Act and Order, NPB is prohibited from endorsing any of the proposed activities by NPPC that constitute such influence, and such endorsement should not be implied.