Dwight Mogler — Iowa – Pork Industry Forum

Dwight Mogler — Iowa


Dwight Mogler is a senior partner in his family’s diversified livestock and crop farm. The family harvests 3,000 acres of row crops, markets 200,000 head of hogs from their farrow-to-finish operation, manages 3,000 head of market beef cattle from their feedlot operation and handles more than 4 million bushels of grain through their county grain elevator. Their latest business venture is Iowa Craft Meats, a coordinated supply chain that directly brings pork products from their farm to foodservice and retail customers.

Mogler is a member of several Iowa and Lyon County pork, cattle, corn and soybean farmer organizations, notably serving a three-year term on the National Pork Producers Council. He is a current board member of the Iowa Pork Producers Association and an active member of his church.

Nominating Committee Comments

Dwight Mogler is a high-energy, positive farmer with deep family ties in live production and an entrepreneurial perspective and venture. Mogler recently served on the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC), and his clear understanding of both NPPC and NPB could synergize conversations to confirm coordination, collaboration and cooperation without duplication.

Mogler has strong opinions and constructively challenges the norm, but he keeps an open mind, especially when peers devise a solution to a problem. Based on his interview, he has no preconceived notion of an area of production he’d focus on, and that’s ok since others have a specific area. He has a general understanding of priorities backed by a commitment to teaching and caring for people.